Bishop Burbidge Blesses the Basilica School’s Campus Transformation Project
Bishop Michael Burbidge’s visited The Basilica School of Saint Mary this morning to bless the campus’ recent construction that has created new spaces, both inside the building and outside. The school has been undergoing a visionary transformation as the result of a Mary Lead Us Campaign. Click here to get more details about the recent construction that has advanced as its key priorities and concerns the following:
Advanced academic curriculum with a 21st-century learning campus and new library media center
Re-envisioned and created new campus recreational, sports, and gathering spaces
Ensured the safety and accessibility for our students and parishioners
Enhanced our school’s Catholic identity
Promoted inclusivity — physical and intellectual access
“The Bishop, as the chief shepherd and teacher for the Catholics of our diocese, reminds us that Christ is the Good Shepherd who leads us to the truth and to what is good and beautiful,” said Father Edward Hathaway, the Rector of the Basilica. “The beauty of this architecture should lead us back to the One who is beauty itself, our God and Creator. As a Catholic school, we partner with our parents in seeking to hand on the faith and form children of virtue who will go on to become virtuous adults and parents themselves and maintain a supernatural view amidst the ordinary things of everyday life.”
The morning started with a School Mass in the Basilica church. Because today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Bishop Burbidge’s main focus during his homily was the Virgin Mary. He emphasized to the packed church ways to honor Mary, using three words to do so: Celebrate, courage and commitment.
“We celebrate today that, in God’s plan and from the very beginning, He chose Mary to be the mother of the Son of God,” Bishop Burbidge said during his homily. “And we celebrate her yes. One way to honor Mary is celebrate the gift of your life. God created you and has chosen you as beloved sons and daughters. He has a plan for you. … He has a bright and promising future for each of you. … Celebrate who you are in the sight of God. Every day, like Mary, say, ‘yes,’ Lord, I give you my very best this day. Can you imagine what it was like for Mary – to hear that call? … ‘You will be the mother of God.’ Mary said, ‘How can that be?’ I’m sure she had to be a little bit afraid and a little bit nervous. She heard that beautiful message from the angel – ‘Mary, don’t be afraid. Have courage. Nothing is impossible for God.’
The Bishop continued: “Sometimes God ask things from you that are a little difficult. It’s not always easy to say ‘yes’ to God. But it’s always possible with God. To stay close to Him, as you are today. Keep saying your prayers. Above all, listen to what God says to you: Do not be afraid. I will give you everything you need. Honor Mary. Be courageous, living your faith.
“So Mary gives birth to Jesus. She brings Jesus into the world. Isn’t that what we’re all called to do? We’re called to bring Jesus to others. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. What I want you to do today, dear students, in honor of Mary is to make a commitment and say, ‘Mary, in your honor, I am going to be an instrument of peace today.’ How do you do that? Love each other. Respect each other. You forgive others. You listen to others. And you help others who are having a difficult time. … Dear students, will you do me a favor today? Find a way in honor of Mary that on this day you can be an instrument of peace.”
After the Mass, Bishop Burbidge headed to the school and greeted Mary Lead Us Campaign donors, who had already taken a tour of the new spaces. (Click here to see photos of the transformation of the school campus during the recent months of construction.)

Then, in the school gym, Bishop Burbidge shared the campus transformation blessing rite. See the video below to hear the song that opened the program, along with welcoming remarks by Robert Loia, the school’s principal, and Father Hathaway and the blessing rite.
Then Bishop Burbidge walked throughout the school, greeting students and teachers and, sprinkling Holy Water, blessed the areas of the building that have been transformed as a result of the Mary Lead Us Campaign. Some of the notable people who accompanied the Bishop were Father Hathaway; Mr. Loia; Father Joseph Townsend; Father Peter Clem; the school’s president of the student council, Jackson Lilly; student council representatives; National Junior Honor Society members; Joseph Vorbach, the superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Arlington; Anne Mathis, the Basilica Parish and School of Saint Mary’s chief stewardship officer and campaign director; and several campaign donors.
The Bishop also blessed outdoor parts of the school that have been part of the campus transformation. He even blessed the recently constructed Queen of Heaven Columbarium, which is located in Saint Mary’s Cemetery, located next to the school. (Click here to find out more about the columbarium.)