From the Archives – Monsignor Frank Hendrick
Monsignor Frank J. Hendrick, pastor at Saint Mary from 1981 to 1991, died on August 23. Monsignor Hendrick had a long and distinguished life as a priest in both the Dioceses of Richmond and Arlington.
A native of Richmond, he graduated from Benedictine High School there. After serving as a Navy medic in World War II, he graduated from the University of Richmond, felt called to become a priest and entered Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Maryland. He was ordained in 1954 and served in a number of parishes in the diocese, mostly in Tidewater. Father Hendrick spent many years in education and was principal of two high schools in Newport News and Norfolk. He also was the founding pastor of Saint Vincent Church in Newport News.
In 1969, he again joined the military, volunteering to serve in Vietnam as an Army chaplain, spending months in combat there with the 199th Infantry, and was decorated for his valor. Upon his return to civilian life in 1972, Father Hendrick was pastor of both Saint Agnes and Saint Anne Churches in Arlington, and simultaneously directed Catholic Charities in the diocese for seven years. In 1977, he was honored by being named a Prelate of Honor of the Holy See (a monsignor).
In 1981, he undertook a challenging assignment—replacing the affable, popular pastor here at Saint Mary, Monsignor Joseph Wingler, after his sudden death. Monsignor Hendrick realized how difficult this would be and, despite being a quiet, reserved person, worked diligently for the parish. He oversaw the completion of Wingler-Hill Hall at Saint Mary School, and made a number of vital renovations and repairs to the church. He completely restored the ramshackle parish lyceum, where the second floor had been condemned as unsafe. He installed a new custom-made organ in the church. One change he was fond of pointing out was that he returned the tabernacle to the center of the altar, telling people he did not like to see Jesus over in the corner!
In 1991, he was transferred to Holy Spirit Church, where he remained until he retired in 1995. For many years, he lived in Pinehurst, North Carolina, but did not retire from an active priesthood, assisting local parishes by celebrating Mass on Sundays and engaging in charitable activities. In his obituary, the Pinehurst newspaper honored Monsignor Hendrick for his “kindness, compassion and wisdom. He devoted countless hours working with the homeless, providing shelter, food and support for those needing it.” He was nicknamed “The Homeless Advocate.”
Monsignor Hendrick died peacefully on August 23, in a hospice in Pinehurst. He was 97 years old and had recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of his ordination. Although he modestly described himself as “a plain old parish priest,” he was much more. He was a good and faithful priest. May he rest in peace.
— Kitty Guy, Parish Historian
In 2020, to commemorate the 225th anniversary of our parish, we started “From the Archives” as a weekly feature online and in our bulletin to spotlight the history of Saint Mary’s. Due to its popularity, we are continuing the series in 2022. An archive of the features is located here.