Basilica Parishioners Participated in the March for Life

The Basilica of Saint Mary traveled in two buses to participate in the March for Life today. We walked. We prayed. We carried a banner promoting the Culture of Life. We did our best to raise our voices and hearts to defend life from the moment of conception to natural death. Afterward, participants gathered in the Lyceum to socialize and eat a delicious meal prepared by the Knights of Columbus.

Click here to listen to short testimonies from Basilica parishioners about why they attended the March for Life or click on the podcast player below:

Special thanks go to Mindee Arritt and Elizabeth Scheuren for sharing some of their photos, which are included below.

Special thanks go to Mindee Arritt and Elizabeth Scheuren for sharing some of their photos, which are included below. Thanks also go to Chris Revak, who also shot some great photos, which can be accessed by clicking here

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