“From the Archives” Saint Mary’s Lyceum

In 1881, Father Denis J. O’Kane (Saint Mary’s pastor from 1872 to 1891 and the last Jesuit to serve in that capacity) realized a social and cultural center – a Lyceum – was needed. He estimated the cost at $10,000. His idea took hold and $5,000 was given to the project by the Sisters of Charity. The Young Men’s Sodality Lyceum opened its doors in 1889.
The impressive neoclassical building of red Virginia brick at 313 Duke Street, across the street from the parish rectory, was an immediate success. Its reading room offered a library and the latest magazines. It was used for public lectures, Sunday school for children, religious education classes for adults and, later on, for school classrooms and temporarily for Masses. The basement, with a modern billiard and pool room, tables for checkers, dominoes and chess, was always busy. People of all faiths were attracted to its fine theatrical, music and literary productions. The Columban Players, a popular repertory group, staged plays and minstrel shows for packed audiences. The Little Theatre of Alexandria gave its first stage performance in Saint Mary’s Lyceum.
On December 29, 1889, the Alexandria Gazette noted: “An organization of this kind in our midst is one of the greatest blessings that can be acquired by any city.”
But there was one problem with the lovely new building: When the Lyceum was not being used for parish-wide functions, its recreational and athletic areas were open only to men. In 1911, women of the parish petitioned to be allowed to use the facilities too. The Alexandria Gazette reported: “By a unanimous vote, the Lyceum [committee] decided to open its building to the ladies of the Saint Mary’s congregation two afternoons a week for athletic and social amusements. The use of the reading room, gymnasium and other attractions will be placed at the disposal of the ladies on these afternoons.” Interestingly, after voting to give the “ladies of the parish” greater access to the Lyceum, the “young gentlemen celebrated by hosting an oyster roast for the parish.”
— Kitty Guy, Parish Historian
In 2020, to commemorate the 225th anniversary of our parish, we started “From the Archives” as a weekly feature online and in our bulletin to spotlight the history of Saint Mary’s. Due to its popularity, we are continuing the series in 2021. An archive of the features is located here.