“From the Archives” Parish Firsts

From our Parish records:

Baptism:  Ann Hull, daughter of John and Ann Hull, born on June 12, 1797, was baptized on September 12, 1798. Her godparents are listed as Edward Burke and Mrs. Foley, wife of Dennis Foley. Mr. Foley was the watchman for Saint Mary’s cemetery and chapel, both located at the southeast corner of South Washington and Church Streets, site of the current parish cemetery – the first Catholic cemetery in Virginia!

First Confirmation: On July 3, 1796, with Bishop John Carroll, first Bishop of Baltimore. At that time, parishioners were still busy firing bricks and laying the foundation of Saint Mary’s small chapel on the South Royal property. So the Confirmation probably took place at the Alexandria home of parishioner Colonel John Fitzgerald, aide-de-camp to General George Washington. It may have been the first Confirmation in Virginia.

Burial: On August 20, 1798, Cavan Boa became the first person buried in Saint Mary’s cemetery. He was 33 years old at the time of his death, served in the American Revolutionary War and is said to have been a tailor to George Washington. Boa owned a shop on Union Street. He and his wife Margaret lived at Washington and Prince Streets, by the Alexandria Lyceum. These thought-provoking words are inscribed on his tombstone: “All you that come my grave to see, prepare yourselves to follow me. Repent and turn to God in time, for I was taken in my prime.”

Marriage: Matthew Robinson and Margaret Boa (widow of Cavan) were married on April 16, 1799. The officiant for the ceremony is listed as Rev. James Griffin. Life was hard in those days; Margaret herself died in 1806 at the age of only 27. Matthew Robinson was a grocer and ice dealer. He and Margaret had three children; two survived to adulthood, so there were descendants. The Robinsons lived at 515 Duke Street and later moved to Washington, DC. Their house is still there.

– Kitty Guy, Parish Historian

Throughout 2020, the Basilica of Saint Mary will present “From the Archives.” It is a weekly feature online and in our bulletin spotlighting the history of the parish. All of our “From the Archives” features are located here

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