“From the Archives” — One Way to Pay for Church Improvements
By the 1850s, Saint Mary parish had grown too large for the original 1826 church. Father John Blox, S.J., the pastor, embarked on a major renovation and expansion of the church. This was an expensive project, and the Washington Star reported on the pastor’s efforts to finance the improvements:
May 1, 1856. The improvements at Saint Mary’s Catholic Church here are progressing rapidly. The pastor, Rev. J. E. Blox, S.J. preached at Trinity Church, Georgetown…in the aid of his Alexandria improvements; and realized, from the liberality of the congregation, $200. We learn that he proposes to call forthwith on his numerous Washington friends for the same purpose, and as this is the first time the Alexandria Catholics have gone abroad to solicit aid, he speaks confi-dently of his prospects in the national metropolis. The known popularity and urbanity of Father Blox leave no doubt but that his expectations will be fully realized.
Father Blox must have been quite successful; the work was completed by May 1857, just a year after he made his appeal in Georgetown. The local newspapers had lengthy, detailed accounts of the lovely building.
— Kitty Guy, Parish Historian
In 2020, to commemorate the 225th anniversary of our parish, we started “From the Archives” as a weekly feature online and in our bulletin to spotlight the history of Saint Mary’s. Due to its popularity, we are continuing the series in 2022. An archive of the features is located here.