Join us as we launch the newest Apostolate at Saint Mary, the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary! The Confraternity is an international association of Catholics dedicated to praising and honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary through the recitation of the rosary. As such, members of the Confraternity promise to pray for one another when reciting the Rosary and receive certain spiritual benefits from their membership.
All those interested in increasing their devotion to Our Mother are invited to attend the Enrollment Ceremony on Wednesday, June 27 at 7pm in the St. Joseph Room in the Lyceum. Fr. Athanasius Murphy, O.P. will give a brief talk and reflection. There is no cost to participate in the confraternity. Refreshments will be served afterwards on the parish courtyard. Please RSVP below.
A Membership Kit will be available for purchase, and includes a book on Saint Mary’s, a special rosary for the confraternity, medallion, and other literature on Mary and the rosary. The Membership Kit is entirely optional, but is encouraged for those who wish to learn more about praying the rosary and the Confraternity.
The Basilica of Saint Mary
310 South Royal Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
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Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-836-4100
Fax: 703-549-3605
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Monday-Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
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