Youth Apostolate Volunteering

Who We Serve

The Basilica of Saint Mary’s Youth Apostolate is not restricted to the youth that attend our programs. It exists to build up teens into “missionary disciples” from the entire parish community, whether that teen attends private school or public school or is home schooled.

This is not possible without the leadership of our adult and parent volunteers. The Youth Apostolate is continually growing and we need your help!

Get in touch

Middle School Apostolate

Adult Leaders: Young adults and parents from the parish are invited to help lead one of our various programs for middle schoolers, such as F3:Faith, Fun, and Friends, Blaze, St. Dominic Savio Group, or other opportunities or events. Adult leaders are asked to attend occasional meetings to learn youth ministry skills and to prepare for events. Adult leaders work directly with the Youth Directors and other adult leaders.

Chaperones: Parents are asked to help out as chaperones a couple times per year at F3 for Grades 6, 7 & 8 or other special events. F3 chaperoning tasks include, help with check-in and check-out, set up the snacks, assist with the raffle, and monitor the games.

Coaches: We need a variety of coaches for our various CYO sports, such as Cross Country, Track & Field, Tennis, Basketball, and Volleyball.

Volunteer for Middle School

High School Apostolate 

Adult Leaders: Young adults and parents from the parish are invited to help lead one of our various programs for high schoolers, such as Weekly Discipleship Groups, Monthly Co-Ed Gatherings, and other opportunities and events. Adult leaders are those willing to lead talks, facilitate discussions, and work closely with teens as role models. They are asked to attend occasional meetings to learn youth ministry skills and to prepare for events. Adult leaders work directly with the Youth Directors and other adult leaders.

Diocesan WorkCamp: The year’s biggest high school event brings together high schoolers from parishes throughout the Arlington Diocese. There are several ways adults can volunteer.

  • Adult Crew Leaders: Join us for the entirety of WorkCamp and lead a group of teens from the Diocese on a service project, installing windows, building decks or wheelchair ramps, or roofing, all to help the local community. Adult crew leaders must become authorized diocesan drivers, attend mandatory training, and be Virtus certified.
  • Contractors: Lead a group of teens throughout the week in completing their service project. Contractors do not need to be certified but some construction experience is helpful. Virtus certification is not required but contractors must be willing to undergo a background check.
  • Evening Security: Each parish must provide adult volunteers one afternoon during the week of WorkCamp to be evening security while the adult leaders and teens shower after a day at their work sites.
  • Homebase Personnel: College-age young adults can help the diocesan staff put on an awesome program for the teens participating throughout the week!

Steubenville Conference: Each summer, we bring our high schoolers to the Franciscan University of Steubenville for a weekend long conference! We are always looking for volunteers to chaperone to and from the weekend! All volunteers must be Virtus certified.

Volunteer for High School

Let's Talk

Contact the apostolate leader Mariane Staron by using this form.

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