Walking With Purpose

We are a Catholic Bible study program that brings women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer personal study and small group discussion linking our everyday challenges and struggles with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.

Please listen to the podcast above to hear two Walking with Purpose members talk about how the apostolate endeavors to meet women where they are, giving them practical Biblical teaching that is consistent with Church doctrine and uses the Catechism of the Catholic Church as an additional resource. All Bible study materials have received the imprimatur from the Archdiocese of Baltimore and vary in length and depth of study in order to meet the varying needs of participants. Please note that the Wednesday morning weekly meetings, starting at 9:30 a.m., are held in the Basilica’s Lyceum Auditorium, 313 Duke Street, while the Thursday evening meetings will occur at 7 p.m. in our Lyceum Auditorium.

Walking with Purpose has three elements:

  1. At-home study
  2. Parish-based
  3. Independently run weekly small group meetings
  4. A monthly talk on relevant Bible study material

Click below to watch one of Walking with Purpose’s leaders talk about the group:



Let's Talk

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