Special Religious Development (SPRED)


The Special Religious Development (SPRED) Program in the Diocese of Arlington serves children and young adults with developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome, autism, and learning disabilities. Faith and sacramental instruction is provided and is based on readiness of the individual.

The Basilica’s Office of Religious Education will offer SPRED during the September-May school year. We welcome children, ages 6-13 years old, with developmental disabilities, such as Down syndrome, autism, and learning disabilities. SPRED helps children learn about Jesus and discover God’s action and presence in their lives. Because the Church affirms the dignity of every human person, each is invited to participate in the sacramental life and be a faithful witness to the Gospel. By sharing in catechesis and joyful activities with volunteer adults called “friends” in 12 classes (Sept-May), SPRED prepares children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. The ability to read is not a requirement.

We call on Mary, Seat of Wisdom, Sedes Sapientiae, to guide this program. Interested parish families are asked to contact Mrs. Yunchong Boyle at yboyle@stmaryoldtown.org or call 703-836-4100, ext. 3033.

SPRED will meet ~12 times during the school year for an hour long class. Also, the Diocese of Arlington will host several Masses/gatherings for all SPRED families.

Learn more: Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities (PDF) and National Catholic Partnership on Disability

Registration for SPRED 2024-2025

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