Saint Katharine Drexel Society

The Saint Katharine Drexel Society (SKDS) at the Basilica of Saint Mary was founded in June of 2020 in response to recent events of racial injustice. The society prays for the healing of our nation, especially in reparation for sins against the dignity of the human person — especially racism; for the sacredness of every human life to be protected and upheld in law and culture; and for the unity of human society under the peaceful Lordship of Jesus Christ. Starting on October 16, 2024, the Society will go from praying a Holy Hour to a Holy Half Hour, which will occur from 7:30-8 p.m. Participants will be praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and several prayers for the Church and the world and will conclude with Benediction. It also meets at other times for prayer and fellowship. The spiritual chaplain of the group is Father Peter Clem.
Click here for the program for the Holy Half Hour.
To find out more about Bishop Michael F. Burbidge joining the society in prayer during a July 28, 2021, Holy Hour, please click here.
To listen to a podcast to hear two members of the society talk about the need to pray to overcome the sin of racism, click below:
Catholic teaching encourages reparations not only for our own sins, but through the virtue of the Communion of the Saints and the oneness of the mystical Body of Christ, to also make reparation for the sins of others. Through our prayers, we ask God to repair the spiritual damage that has been done and to heal our community, our state, our country, and the world. During the Holy Hour, attendees pray a rosary for these specific purposes: in reparation for sins against the dignity of the human person — especially racism; for the sacredness of every human life to be protected and upheld, both in law and in culture; and for the unity of human society under the peaceful Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The patroness of the society, Saint Katharine Drexel (1858-1955), was the second American-born Saint to be canonized by the Catholic Church. Born in Philadelphia and raised in a wealthy family, she gave up her affluent lifestyle to enter religious life. She used her inheritance to minister to the poor and oppressed. She founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, which went on to establish over 100 schools that served Native American reservations and Southern African American inner city and rural communities. The Sisters never wavered in their mission, even when they received threats and their buildings were vandalized.
Saint John Paul II canonized Katharine Drexel in 2000. In his homily during the canonization Mass, he said, “She taught a spirituality based on prayerful union with the Eucharistic Lord and zealous service of the poor and the victims of racial discrimination. Her apostolate helped to bring about a growing awareness of the need to combat all forms of racism through education and social services. Katharine Drexel is an excellent example of that practical charity and generous solidarity with the less fortunate, which has long been the distinguishing mark of American Catholics.”
Saint Katharine Drexel, Patron Saint of Racial Justice, pray and intercede for us!

Contact the apostolate leader Rebecca McCullers by using this form.