Abortion is a life changing event that affects many individuals emotionally, spiritually and physically. You may have experienced the need to find healing right after your abortion or, for some of you, it may have taken many years to come to this place. You may be suffering from guilt, sadness, isolation, nightmares, addictions, eating disorders, anxiety or other negative emotions and behaviors. Many women and men are surprised at the emotions they experience after abortion which can include but certainly are not limited to those mentioned above.
It is important to know that you are not alone. We want to reach out to you with the mercy and love of Christ and help you be at peace with yourself and God.
There is hope. There is help. If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion please consider contacting Project Rachel’s helpline: (888) 456-HOPE or email us at info@helpafterabortion.org
ContactRead testimonials from women who have found healing and forgiveness through the Project Rachel.
Read testimonialsContact the apostolate leader Josephine Balsamo by using this form.
The Basilica of Saint Mary
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Alexandria, VA 22314
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