Institute for Faith & Public Culture

The Institute’s Mission

The Institute for Faith & Public Culture’s mission and purpose is to give our community the opportunity to reflect philosophically and theologically on the ways in which the Catholic Faith is integral to our understanding of the family, arts and letters, the law, as well as our social and political order — helping the Basilica of Saint Mary become an even greater beacon of life and light in Alexandria, Virginia.

Our Call

Our Catholic Faith is not something private. Not only are we called to publicly proclaim the Gospel, but the Church’s worship generates a very public way of life. Images of ancient basilicas and medieval cathedrals, Eucharistic and Marian processions, as well as feast days that bring joy and celebration, also call to mind the way in which the Church has always been integral to the life of the city. This is our calling too.

Our Resident Theologian

Dr. Pecknold is Associate Professor of Theology at The Catholic University of America, a Fellow of the Institute for Human Ecology, and a Board Director for Americans United for Life. Professor Pecknold has spent his career writing and teaching on the importance of Saint Augustine for understanding Western civilization, and from 2022-2024 he will serve as the Basilica of Saint Mary’s theologian-in-residence, directing the academic program of the Institute for Faith & Public Culture.

Listen to a podcast featuring Dr. Pecknold as he talks about his faith journey, how the idea for the institute was born, what kind of impact he hopes the institute will have and several upcoming events:

Click below to listen to a podcast interview with Dr. Pecknold previewing his upcoming talks:

Our Patron

We take as our patron Saint Thomas More, the great social philosopher, jurist, statesman, man of letters, father, husband and martyr. The intercession and patronage of this great saint is especially fitting for this apostolate of the Basilica of Saint Mary, not only because we have a magnificent side chapel in memory of his glorious martyrdom, but also because he is patron of the Diocese of Arlington and patron of all those who take up public service and the common good of this country.

Contact the apostolate leader Carlos Briceño by using this form.

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