Basilica Rosary Society

The Rosary Society of the Basilica of Saint Mary exists to provide resources that help the faithful grow in their love of our Lord, the Blessed Mother, the Rosary, and the Catholic Church. The Society executes this mission by connecting parish members with Basilica organizations that pray the Rosary (particularly the Daily Rosary Group), planning and managing spiritual retreats for the parish and the Fifth Sunday Rosary for Vocations, and sponsoring seminars and presentations on our faith by prominent spiritual leaders. Our Society is open to any Catholic, regardless of parish status.

Pope Saint John Paul the Great declared the Rosary his favorite prayer, a “prayer for peace and for the family.” In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI said “without a doubt, this is one of the signs of love that the young generation nourish for Jesus and His Mother, Mary…this prayer helps to put Christ at the center.” Most recently, Pope Francis described the Rosary as “a prayer that always accompanies me; it is also the prayer of the ordinary people and the Saints…it is a prayer from my heart.”

The Basilica Rosary Society meets as a community at least once a quarter after the Fifth Sunday Rosary is prayed.

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