Basilica Men Are Invited to Attend an ACTS Retreat to Focus on Their Faith, Spiritual Renewal and Building Fellowship on September 22-25, 2022
All men are invited to be part of an ACTS retreat from Thursday evening, September 22, 2022, until Sunday morning, September 25. This retreat is designed to allow you an opportunity to focus on your faith, spiritual renewal, and to give you time to build fellowship within our Basilica parish community.
The retreat will be held at the Loyola on the Potomac Retreat Center (9270 Loyola Retreat Rd, Newburg, MD). The cost is $350, which includes accommodations and meals. Fill in the form below to register and click here to pay. Please email Tushar Suthar with any questions at
Participants should be dropped off between 5-6 p.m. at the Basilica’s Lyceum, 313 Duke Street, on Thursday, September 22. A bus will be provided and will leave the Lyceum at 6 p.m. on that evening. ALL retreatants are expected to be on the bus when it departs the Lyceum. The retreat will end on Sunday, September 25, around 10 a.m. The retreatants will then travel, by bus, to attend the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at the Basilica.
Scholarships could be provided for those who are unable to afford it.
- Adoration – the call by, acceptance of, and response to God,
- Community – the love and caring of each other,
- Theology – the study of God through scripture and the Catholic Faith,
- Service – to God and his people.
What is the purpose of an ACTS Retreat?
An ACTS weekend is designed to help the retreatants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners. This is accomplished through Adoration and daily prayer, the call to Community in one’s parish as a member of the Body of Christ, and Theology in encouraging the study of Scripture and our Catholic Faith. All of these which emphasize and encourage the virtue of Service to our Lord, our parish and one another.
Please click here to listen to Tushar Suthar, a Basilica parishioner who is coordinating the retreat, talk about the retreat during a recent pulpit talk at the end of Mass at the Basilica:
Here is Tushar being interviewed about the retreat in a recent Basilica of Saint Mary podcast:
Sign up below and click here to pay.