“Little Boy” this Wednesday

Hey SMYAs, have you gotten a chance to see “Little Boy” yet? I saw it last night and was so impressed that I wanted to offer an outing for anyone that would like to come. I will be planning to see it at 7:10pm this Wednesday, 4/29, at the AMC Hoffman 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Let me know if you’d like to join me! It won’t be in theaters much longer and it’s an awesome film to support! Check out the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BdzqsIX6A and take some time to look up some interviews with the actors and producers (it’s by the same producers of “Bella”, the prolife film from a few years ago). Please let Angela know if you plan to make it ([email protected]) and invite friends. I’ll shoot to be there by 6:45pm.

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