“From the Archives” Ministering to Woodbine

Woodbine Rehabilitation Center and Healthcare Home, located just two miles from the Basilica on King Street, has been an important part of Saint Mary’s community outreach activities since the 1960s. It began with Margaret Barrett, a parishioner who went to Woodbine to pray the rosary with its Catholic residents. She visited with them in their rooms, and helped those who were in wheelchairs or had difficulty walking get to the prayer services and Mass. She continued to volunteer until she was in her 90s. One time, Mrs. Barrett took Father William Saunders, who was newly-ordained and a parochial vicar at Saint Mary at the time, to visit Woodbine. He was so impressed that he returned weekly to offer Mass.
Another parishioner who was significant in developing Saint Mary’s ministry to Woodbine was Betty McLaughlin. In 1984, Monsignor Frank Hendrick (pastor from 1981 to 1991) named her director of Saint Mary’s outreach services. One of her goals was to create a community among the Woodbine residents, their families and the staff. When Mrs. McLaughlin retired in 1998, Father Stanley Krempa (pastor from 1991 to 2000) praised her work at Woodbine and in many other charitable activities.
For many years, the Legion of Mary visited Woodbine and led a weekly rosary service on Tuesday. Saint Mary priests were there to celebrate Mass on Friday. After lay persons were permitted to distribute Holy Communion, Saint Mary volunteers assisted at the Masses and brought the sacrament to those who were bedridden. On Fridays, when there was no Mass celebrated at the center, these Eucharistic Ministers visited Catholic residents to bring them Communion.
At one time, a woman who was physically unable to travel had been unable to attend her son’s ordination to the priesthood. He flew from the West to celebrate his first Mass at Woodbine, with his mother and a large room full of her friends, Father Krempa, and a number of Saint Mary parishioners. Over the years, Saint Mary priests also have heard confessions and anointed the sick at Woodbine, with the parish sometimes arranging the interment of indigent residents.
A number of Woodbine residents who became acquainted with visitors from Saint Mary were inspired to join the Church. An elderly lady who regularly attended the Masses told Father Dennis Kleinmann (pastor from 2004 to 2015) she wanted to be a Catholic. When he asked her about her baptism, she gave him a colorful account of being baptized in a creek in rural, southern Virginia. The next week, Father Kleinmann confirmed her with one of the Eucharistic ministers from Woodbine serving as her sponsor.
One week, Tom Hasbrouk, a parishioner who regularly helped with the Woodbine Mass, forgot to bring the book with the Mass readings. Nobody there had a Magnificat or other monthly missalette. No problem for Father Daniel Hanley, who took out his cell phone and readily found the readings on line. The Church had definitely entered the 21st century!
– Kitty Guy, Parish Historian
Throughout 2020, the Basilica of Saint Mary will present “From the Archives.” It is a weekly feature online and in our bulletin spotlighting the history of the parish. All of our “From the Archives” features are located here.