High Schoolers Change Lives, Hearts

During the last week of June, over 20 high schoolers from St. Mary’s parish trekked down I-95 South to serve the poor and underprivileged in Fredericksburg, VA. The entire group from WorkCamp, organized by the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry, totaled 800 teens and 400 adult leaders. Spanning 9 counties and 160 work sites, the intense week of service enabled to the teens to see Christ in the people they served. To prepare for the trip, the teens raised all the funds themselves. They hosted the Lenten Soup Supper in March, and sold flowers on Mother’s Day weekend. In addition to raising money for the trip, they also attended monthly preparation meetings, a tool training workshop, and community building activities. During the week of WorkCamp, our teens worked on numerous project sites. These ranged from building decks, wheel chair ramps, and stair cases. Other projects included installing shingles on roofs and painting the interior and exterior of residents’ homes. Several St. Mary’s parishioners served as contractors and adult leaders during the week. To see a recap from the week, watch the video below!


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