Bishop Burbidge Prays with the Basilica of Saint Mary Community during Holy Hour

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge joined the Basilica of Saint Mary community in a Holy Hour on July 28, 2021, hosted by one of our apostolates, the Saint Katharine Drexel Society, which prays for the healing of our nation, especially for the historical and continuing wounds inflicted by slavery, and in reparation for the sins of racism, past and present.
The society was founded in June of 2020 in response to recent events of racial injustice and prays the rosary during the Basilica Holy Hour on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Members also meet at other times for prayer and fellowship.
The evening included Exposition and Benediction, the recitation of the Rosary, prayers and devotions led by the laity and Sacred Silence. Bishop Burbidge also offered a reflection. Here is part of what he said during it:
“We are witnessing so much violence, so many injustices and evil. So much division. As we continue to see evil, the sin of racism and discrimination continuing right in our midst, we’re anxious and upset. That’s why we’re here. We’re here to sit at the feet of Jesus. Because as just what was proclaimed in today’s Gospel [from John 15:1-8], we can do nothing. With Him all things are possible. So tonight, I suggest, dear friends, in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord, speak to Him. Tell Him exactly what is making you anxious and upset. Show Him the many wounds you have. Wounds that need to be healed, and, certainly, as we gather for this Holy Hour tonight, we pray not only for ourselves but our world and nation, [so that] where we live and dwell, injustices, racism, and division will be eradicate, and we will live in unity and harmony, as we should as brothers and sisters in Christ.”
To listen to a podcast to hear his entire reflection, click here.
To watch the entire Holy Hour, click here.
To watch a quick glimpse of the event, click on the YouTube video below:
After the Holy Hour ended, Bishop Burbidge joined Father Edward Hathaway, the Basilica’s Rector, and the attendees for a brief reception. To find out more about the Saint Katharine Drexel Society, click here.